Maarten Schild


Small, 0.8U form factor, all-in-one CubeSat propulsion system


Development done at Dawn Aerospace


The CubeDrive is a small, 0.8U form factor, all in one CubeSat propulsion system. Each CubeDrive includes a 1N thruster, tanks, valves, and control electronics. Structures are 3D printed as a single piece using Inconel, including fuel and oxidizer tanks. Has onboard health and performance monitoring instrumentation including various temperature and pressure sensors.


Propulsion System


Key objective was to make a high performing, small form factor propulsion system that is the most reliable, and easiest to operate in its class. My role was primarily a system engineering one, focusing on the in orbit operational needs of our customer and translating those to requirements for the software, electronic and mechanical teams. Apart from that, I contributed to the flight software and helped scaling the Assembly Integration and Testing process to deliver these systems at scale.

CubeDrive Team

First Flight Model

More information will be posted when publicly available.