Maarten Schild

Hi, I am Maarten Schild.

Currently I am the propulsion operations engineer at Dawn Aerospace. We are leading the development of non-hazardous propulsion systems for small satellites and cubesats. Day to day I am working on system engineering, testing our propulsion systems and writing embedded flight software. Furthermor, I am supporting the automation of various AIT tasks to deliver propulsion systems at scale.

Previously, I worked as a software engineer at Radar Based Avionics, where we developed a new generation of radars for general aviation and regional airfields. I completed my masters degree in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology, with a specialization in spaceflight and a minor in Computer Science. My research background is in space debris with a focus on orbital maneuver detection, and longterm orbit propagation.

Apart from all this engineering, I very much love cooking, which I did with great joy for many years professionally in my youth and during my studies.

Interested in my research, want to work together, or would you like to get in touch for other reasons?